my tickertape thoughts are livestreaming straight from iran
where a hostage-taker died [New cases: 932] from contracting
coronavirus & rome’s papal balcony where pope francis tested negative
thank [LIKE] god & back to iran the supreme leader plants a tree
with latex gloves & proclaims spreading covid-19 is a sin
& in wuhan the eye doctor [Your Amazon Prime order] who first warned
the world dies [click for contactless delivery] & the dog in hong kong
with the ancestral S-strain barks at nothing in particular [Subject: “I hope
this email finds you well”] & no-one break-dances around the new york
subway pole, the lightning rod the bacterial bomb [Free Sleep Meditations]
THEIR LOVERS & we all looked like k-pop stars in black face masks
& we CT-scanned, double-swabbed, x-rayed, temperature-checked [Ad: Get Fit
at Home] the mailbox air & cut to korea the promised leader of the shincheonji
church of jesus cries [TraceTogether App: We Need You] on his knees at a press
conference & in paris [Your screen time was up 28% last week] the mona lisa
is finally alone & we look at each other’s kneecaps because the virus
[up next on Spotify] travels through the wide-open eye & i can hear the
six-year-old girl next door playing hot cross buns over & over
again on her recorder & hundreds of families leave pixelated
flower bouquets [Mood Booster playlist] at virtual qingming shrines
& off the coast of japan the grand princess crew prepares a special valentine’s
meal [15% off takeaway] for the stranded sick & singapore did almost everything
right [SWIPE] except for counting migrant workers as humans & how many
the delicate droplets from the cough & lemon lozenge sun caught [#FlashDeal]
in a venetian gondola’s epiglottis & the eighty-six-year-old sweeping
shanghai disneyland’s main street [Circuit Breaker Measures Extended]
& look at the dow jones go & go & there is a beauty to the neat boxes
blocking off one square meter between customers in the grocery checkout lane
[LIKE] & to think we started off with parasite winning best picture [LOVE]