Presumably, deviance sells.
The slide from epistemological sobriety into ontological incontinence.
More testosterone will be flowing through her body.
Likewise is a bad answer.
As others in the history of philosophy have observed, some problems are more
effectively solved by being justly ignored, by not being dignified with any further
If you possess visible veins on the back of your hand, you will notice that one of the
most obvious ones does line up roughly with the ring finger.
No ball games.
From a bad crow, a bad egg.
You will need to disentangle the nomenclature.
Throw chainsaws at them.
It may seem like there’s a long leap from apologizing for bumping into an inanimate
object and apologizing for a traumatic flashback, but I don’t think so.
Storytelling is clearly a significant technique for drawing users into an experience, and
that engagement necessarily leads to different behavior.
It is the formal freedom conceded to those who cannot accommodate themselves to the
nothingness of their real freedom.
I will not use leftover money from the book fair to buy junk food at lunch.
So the future is bright.
The glass was sucked out of all the windows at once.
This property—that both the positive and the negative become positive—makes
solving absolute-value equations a little tricky.
Its basic aim is to lessen and eventually to completely resolve the contradiction between
everyday life and our wildest dreams.
Homosexuality is assuredly no advantage, but it is nothing to be ashamed of.
Often, the insults are generic, and I cannot identify their main cultural influence.
You suck.
Good point.
Laugh and the world laughs with you, weep and you weep alone.
Fake is the new trend and everyone seems to be in style.
It's what I do for a living.
Fuck High Schools, Grad Schools and Nursing Homes.
Ask where the local Islamic radicalization center is.
We need some stock footage of raging marines.
Fashion is the armor to survive everyday life.
Wow, check out the personality on this chick.
There was no one else on the street.
I guess one gets the face one deserves.
That’s a great idea, but here’s the rub.
You could be a person that likes people.
Auto-correct has got to be my worst enema.
I was sexualized at too early an age.
But a jump implies more intention and grace.
Real life isn't like that.
The edge of the system must be kept squared with experience; the rest, with all its
elaborate myths or fictions, has as its objective the simplicity of laws.
It is a massive screw up.
The cube is destroyed.
The battle is finished.
Once you really and truly stop believing in it, whatever it is—love, Santa Claus,
progress—the signs which used to prove it to you all look a lot more clearly, and
obviously, not signs of it at all.
Spoken like a true individual.
Don't ask me who I am.
I take the selection to my head.
Victory is the transcendental theme that commands failure itself.
Don’t be one of them.
Nothing is more true in psychoanalysis than its exaggerations.
By “we” you mean you.
Kisses lead to fondling and fondling leads to penetration.
Which brings us to class.
There are of course many exceptions to these generalizations.
It’s full, but politely so.
You’re not sending out some edgy, hardcore message here.
I just don’t remember release.
We’re also looking for anything other than cock shots.
Only the people that don't want to admit that we're all apples from the same tree try to
make it more complicated.
These 555 sonnets are made with found lines and precise measures, a database and text analytic software. I crunched Shakespeare’s sonnets for word, syllable and character averages and these are my new measures. The lines’ oddities are their own, the arrangement is mine. After the text analytics and data entry, many ways of assembling are found. I hold to the turn (when I think of it) and that sonnets are poems of a certain size, but little more. Something in excess of the lines pass through, it’s that I’m chasing.