You & me should team up & bring the city machine down. We could hide our identities behind desk jobs while dreaming of Joni Mitchell having a second life & doing black-metal. TokyoPop sticks to our throats. During sex, yours chirps like a cricket drunk on rich-dirt visions. We could swing from rooftops with handmade rope. We could entrap the city with the webs of our steel-matrix love. We will fix each other's broken nose. We will fall with amazing grace. The bad guys cannot defeat us with semi-automatic purr & talk talk. Our real-identity angst is pure & prone to adolescent simple tense. We cry like ordinary people. We will die like rock stars.



Kyle Hemmings is the author of the chapbooks, Avenue C, (Scars Publications), Cat People (Scars) Tokyo Girls in Science Fiction (NAP), and Hojo Boy (TenPagePress). His work has been pubblished by TenPagePress, Gold Wake Review, Nano Fiction, Wigleaf, NAP, and elsewhere. He blogs at

