“ . . . How little we need
to be happy:
a half-kilo increase in weight . . . ”
don’t know if remember correctly
whether if january or february
but that time we go to
the bearlin there got the
concentration camp there
“ . . . One of the S.S. men caught a woman with a baby in her arms.
She began asking for mercy: if she were shot
the baby should live . . . ”
i remember our tour guide
tell us all the story
say that when they bring them in
through the yard
flock by flock in drove
“ . . . barely known) all
who look up
to see—how many
faces? How many . . . ”
then they will look for
the biggest guy
most tuak jiak guy
surround him one two three four five against
“ . . . Black milk of daybreak we
drink you at night
We drink you in the morning at
noon we drink you at
nightfall . . . ”
beat him down with the truncheon
until his face bloom like rose
water the dirt
plant the seed
cos big guy kena already
where got chance?
“ . . . you had not
looked. They were cast out
as if they were
some animals, some beasts . . . ”
i tell you i remember his stories all damn jiwang lah
but then at the end we want to ask him
if must go to Osweetch or not?
heard that its even more sadder leh
got all the hair can see is real one
and then he say to us
“ . . . Afterwards she heard
the sounds of shots. She
fell into a pit together
with the children, felt
that the blood of the children
was pouring, streaming over
her, but she was alive . . . ”
“Oh, you mean—
It’s pronounced—
It’s okay, it’s a common mistake . . . ”
And she remained amongst
the dead bodies until sunset . . .
wah I tell you
damn malu lah