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Lindsey Bellosa lives in Syracuse, NY.  She has an MA in Writing from the National University of Galway, Ireland and has had several poems and short stories published in both Irish and American magazines and journals such as TRANSTITION, Crannog Magazine, Big River Poetry Journal and The Galway Review.  She won the 2012 Red Poppy Review’s Summer Poetry Contest.  She currently works at Tompkins Cortland Community College as an adjunct English lecturer and recently acted as a juror for the 2013 art and poetry contest for the Gallery at the Tech Garden.  Her first chapbook, The Hunger, was recently published with Willet Press.


NW Hall loves poems a lot. NW wants to keep writing them for as long as life will have NW. NW would like Richard Siken and Amy Gerstler to know that their poetry is appreciated by NW. Oh, NW feels only joy at having another poem published. NW Hall believes that people might do well to return to the idea that the world is only justified as an aesthetic phenomena because the world is looking a smidgen ugly.


Newlywed Priscilla Goh is currently the new target for mynahs, pigeons, starlings, and crows to bombard on sight.


Winston Plowes is a teacher, compère, performer and poet. He spends his days fine-tuning background noise and rescuing discarded words. These are re-sculpted over a glass of wine into poetry birds he releases by night to fly to new homes in journals and online destinations worldwide. Winston lives in a floating home in Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire, UK, were he tries to persuade his black cat, Fatty, that it’s a good idea for her to do the same. Find out more about his work at www.winstonplowes.co.uk.


Andrea Janelle Dickens recently moved to the Sonoran Desert, where she lives among the sunshine and saguaro cacti. Her work has appeared in Star 82, cakestreet, Ruminate, Caesura, and The Wayfarer, among others. She teaches at Arizona State University, and when she's not teaching, she's backpacking in foreign cities, making pottery in her ceramics studio, or tending hives of bees. Lesbos, the island of Sappho, is still on her list of places to visit.


David Wong Hsien Ming was born in Singapore, where h discovered poetry as a child during a Sunday lunch. After receiving honors in Philosophy at the University of Melbourne and reading poetry at Rutgers University New Brunswick, he became a teacher. His work earned an Honorable Mention in Singapore's Golden Point Award 2011, and has appeared in Quarterly Literary Review Singapore, Ceriph, EastLit, Literary Orphans, and Mascara Literary Review. His first collection is forthcoming from Math Paper Press. Find out more at davidwonghsienming.wordpress.com.


Sherlyn Goh Xue Ting turned 20 this Halloween. She likes insects and arachnids, and once had a pet snail named Fluffy that was unintentionally murdered by a schoolmate. She plans to specialise in writing and work as an editor/writer at some place that won’t censor her subversive ‘homosexual agenda’. She has been quoted to “only ever wear social justice tees or gothic clothing”.


Ian Wong is 24 years old. He currently lives in London, where he works as a tour guide, sharing his love for the city with anybody who cares to listen. He loves theatre and music (as well as musical theatre) and knows most of the words to the songs in Frozen. He assures everyone that he is a very sophisticated and cultured person despite that. He can be found at http://www.ianwong.co.uk/.


Yonji Kim is known for her fantastic brows, no-shit attitude, and the ability to paint only when sad. She divides her time between New York City, Upstate, Korea, one/third of Singapore, and her own little world.


Bill Yarrow is the author of Pointed Sentences, a full-length collection of poems from BlazeVOX and four chapbooks—The Lice of Christ from MadHat Press, Incompetent Translations and Inept Haiku from Červená Barva Press, Fourteen from Naked Mannekin Press and Wrench from Erbacce Press. He has been published in many print and online journals including DIAGRAM, ContraryPANKPoetry International, and RHINO. He is a Professor of English at Joliet Junior College where he teaches creative writing, Shakespeare, and film. 


Beth Ayer's work has appeared in publications including Otis Nebula, Silver Birch Press, Bukowski On Wry, and Upstart: A Journal of English Renaissance Studies (forthcoming). She is the senior poetry editor and web manager for the Found Poetry Review and lives in Providence, RI.