- Barun Deep Singh does every kind of art imaginable, including singhing. Visit Barun at http://baaarrooon.tumblr.com/
- Constance Renfrow is a writer eking out a living as an editorial assistant in New York City. She can't get enough of Victorian literature, and has written numerous pieces about life in the 19th century, including her one-act play . . . Out the Beast, which was a semi-finalist in the Drury University One-Act Playwriting Competition. She can usually be found in writing in the parlours of the Merchant's House Museum.
- If Gen Lim could be born again she would travel with a circus as an aerial contortionist, be an illustrator for anything Japanese related and would have learned hip-hop before ballet.
- Ian Tyler-Lee is a 23-year-old student in London currently reading Classical Studies with English. His favourite new thing recently has been discovering new music (especially since he got a Spotify account for himself) and writing really banal songs. In his spare time he overwatches Doctor Who, learns a bit of Modern Greek, discovers more new music, and drinks tea. For more Ian, visit http://aknackforoddity.tumblr.com/.
- Jerrold Yam (b. 1991) is a law undergraduate at University College London and the author of poetry collections Scattered Vertebrae (Math Paper Press, 2013) and Chasing Curtained Suns (Math Paper Press, 2012). His poems have been published in more than seventy literary journals and anthologies worldwide, including Antiphon, Counterexample Poetics, Mascara Literary Review, Prick of the Spindle, The New Poet, Third Coast and Washington Square Review. He has been awarded poetry prizes from the British Council and National University of Singapore, and is the youngest Singaporean to be nominated for the Pushcart Prize. He has been featured at the London Book Fair and Singapore Writers Festival. His poems have recently been translated to Spanish. (http://jerroldyam.com/)
- Jimmy Bullis has a soft, mild-mannered voice that grows big in his writing. He loves watching B-list horror flicks, sleeping on the floor, reading bathroom graffiti, and sometimes wearing glasses. For (musical) Jimmy, visit http://www.theanatomyoffrank.com/.
- Kallie Falandays has work published or forthcoming in ILK, [PANK], Paper Darts, The Dirty Napkin, and Letterbox.
- Latorial Faison is an American poet and author of six books currently living in Seoul, South Korea with her husband and sons. She studied at the University of Virginia and Virginia Tech in the US. Faison has been published in Southern Women's Review, Blackberry Magazine, ChickenBones, The Taj Mahal Review, Underwired Magazine, Poetry Quarterly, Red River Review, and elsewhere. Faison is an Assistant Professor of English at Sejong University in Seoul.
- Mary Jean Murphy writes poetry and creative nonfiction while managing a martial arts school in New York City. She holds a BFA in Dramatic Writing from NYU and is pursuing her MFA in Nonfiction Writing at Columbia University. Her poetry has recently appeared in Gloom Cupboard, and she has been honored as both a 2008 Presidential Scholar in the Arts by the US Dep’t of Education and a 2012 Jack Kent Cooke Graduate Arts Scholar by the JKC Foundation. For her, the dream is to live on the side of a mountain and drink bourbon milkshakes in perpetual Fall.
- Priscilla Goh hates numbers so she can never get her aspect ratios right.
- Tse Hao Guang is interested in form and formation, creativity and quotation, lyrics and line breaks. His work has appeared in various anthologies and literary journals both online and in print, and in a couple of art exhibitions. He has a chapbook (hyperlinkage, Math Paper Press 2013) to his name, which you can order here. Having gone through the Mentor Access Project under the guidance of Alvin Pang, he is currently in the University of Chicago’s Masters of Arts Program in the Humanities. He can usually be found at www.vituperation.wordpress.com.
- Uche Ogbuji (@uogbuji) was born in Calabar, Nigeria. He lived, among other places, in Egypt and England before settling near Boulder, Colorado. A computer engineer and entrepreneur by trade, his collection of poetry, Ndewo, Colorado is forthcoming in 2014 from Kelsay Books. His poems, fusing Igbo culture, European Classicism, U.S. Mountain West setting, and Hip-Hop influences, have appeared widely, most recently in IthacaLit, String Poet, The Raintown Review, Featherlit, Outside In Journal, Don't Just Sit There, Qarrtsiluni, and Leveler. He is editor at Kin Poetry Journal and The Nervous breakdown, founder and curator at the @ColoradoPoetry Twitter project. For more Uche, visit http://uche.ogbuji.net/.
- Yilin Cheng is a Singaporean dreamer and free spirit who loves to travel and learn about foreign cultures and languages. She has currently made NYC her home. She is passionate about the arts, including fashion, film and literature. She would love to be self-employed someday and not be tied to a specific location. For more Yilin, visit http://www.behance.net/yilincheng.
- Yonji Kim is known for her fantastic brows, no-shit attitude, and the ability to paint only when sad. She divides her time between New York City, Upstate, Korea, one/third of Singapore, and her own little world.