Singapore is a promoter from China, serving beer at a coffee shop
The coffee-shop is 1/3rd actual shop 2/3rd bar and local watering hole. It’s outdoor seating only and cigarette friendly. Grand uncles, some aunties, other types of old men and ah-bengs go there. They serve maybe 3 different beers but everybody gets Carlsberg. The old men bring the next generation and corrupt them. Turn them from Amah for drink and smoke. And flirtations with the waitresses. 8 old men sit around a plastic cyan table, their sons and nephews add 5 more to the table and their much younger grandchildren and grandnephews add about 3.
This is the clan.
Drunk out bottles of Carlsberg with little cigarette butts in their green bellies.
Amah, the devout
-grandmother, wife of their Captain
Upholder of the last smoke-trail of Order
Warns her grand-children to not go out drinking with the old fisherman. “they no good”
But the old men drink and sic
waitresses on the young-blooded to test their fortitude. Today to please Amah. I cleanse myself of my mongrel fur. The old men speak amongst the cyan table in the warm vapor night. One of the uncle’s sons (Soo Qi) translates for me: “Ah-Siao, your Uncle #5 said you look stunning.” I grazed my now clean-shaven face. The uncles increase the flow of Carlsberg. I see the uncles talking to one of the waitresses and pointing at me. I am sloshed up to my temples in beer. She comes over a with a slow gait. Her eyes almost yellow, a slow transmutation of wrinkles from a smooth place. She moved behind me and placed her fingers on my shoulders.
“How young are you?”
“How young? Is my blood not young enough?”
The uncles uproared at my drunk mandarin.
She smiled at my insolence
I feel myself:
“Ah Boy, ni yao shenme?”