The Clan


BigBrotherBig hatched 5 children with Amah:  They are
Soo Hong, Grouper, MiddleFish, LittleMinaBird, SooKiat.


His 8 picaroon brothers and his 4 sisters all together hatched a brood that still needs cataloguing:


BigNose          Ah Sek            Soo Qi             Soo Swei         Takong


           Ah Wee                        XiaoXi            Tigress                         Ling Ling


                                                            Yang Yang                               Soo Seen


Soo Sing                                                                     Kayu                            and Monkey


Ah Swee is called “Monkey” because he like to disturb
                                                                                                is an Auntie’s son: Sun Soo Swee.
But operates deep in the coagulation, near the center of the clot and confirmed a Wang (Soo

generation).  His son, is a favorite of Uncle #9.  They are worried he will become ah beng.  He

has the arowana that he feeds tiny black frogs.


Ah Yong -Uncle Monster -also called, “BigNose” for his big nose has now become tempered

since his marriage to a beautiful woman (Amah’s seething eyes, illegal substances at a club). 

Had a daughter his hair suddenly ghost smoke.  The old uncles call her “little monster.”


They are all naughty, but Takong is the naughtiest (general Buddhists doing non-Buddhist

things).  He dreams of marrying a “nice” Malaysian woman.  Amongst all his brethren he has the

darkest spider.


