a wheat field acts

                                                                                           as ending line (coast)



                                                                                           reveal scale


                                                         waste in carvings

                                                         an infinite audience





                                   the faces          lost–– help

                       a self


                                   a copy:


                                                         talk through

                                                                     windows our copies

moving and feeling

in ether                                  ––                              the curtain


                       & ghosts


blurred in forms

dancing                                  always performance


                                               the weight of smoke:

                                                                     the soft mute songs

how––             how far


                                   is endless


                                   how far


                       spare patterns leave us








boards             flicker:


            shelves                        rooms

             ––                             lost outside


                       the stacking of people

                       degrees hard water


                                   lines––                       by truth

                                   play            &            crash


                                   in degrees of truth

                                   empty windows


                       welcome home

                       our designs




                      we have

known             times             up-keep

               &        &        &


value                  ––                 noise







watching exposes:



miles of


sand, the reflections capsize

––encounter as upwards


circle inlay willing



then focus


quiet dune-spaces


gaps rust

            &       one               asks


state the real   stay as

wires, leaf tendons



            &       haze              ages




            of rescue

            make second


            portion brief––





            unfurl              pointless






I hear them


dream: ‘air’s rough

of tinted


–– stories


            ripple awake


